Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Origin & essence of everything leads to GOD

This is simple & yet very complex.

As discussed with my daughter she exists because me, I am because of Nani & nani is due to great nani & so on ....and eventually because of GOD.

But lets take an example that I heard during a chapter 15 discourse.

The rose smells beautiful & looks lovely ..so where did it get this? The plant, coz if you pluck the rose it dies away. So where does the plant get it???
soil ?? coz if you remove the plan from the soil it dies.
sunshine ?? coz no Sunshine no plant
or is it water ??? we studied plants need water to survive
or is it air ??? they don't grow in vacuum...
The plant needs air, sunshine, water & soil to grow ...and where did these elements come from??? Get it...

Lets try another example ....the computer ...made with metal & plastic & lots of inputs from people in terms of design & software . The material physical things are refined forms of natural resources. And people are an extension of God .

So we the mortals don't create anything. We just fabricate , modify what is provided by God in the form of nature using our intellect which is the gift of God to mankind.

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