Tuesday, 6 March 2012

My cup & Oreo milkshake.

Imagine yourself at a party and each one is given a cup and told Oreo milkshake will be served soon. And then a magical figure comes with this huge jug of Oreo milkshake...
  1. Some people have put their cups upside down, so don't get any milkshake
  2. Some have the cup straight but do not pay attention when its their chance & miss the shake
  3. Some have cups smaller than others and get only little
  4. Some have filled up their cups with other stuff, is too full
  5. And some have messed with the cup and have holes & cracks and can't hold the shake.
  6. Only few are patiently waiting to get their cups filled and take away, careful not to spill.
Now these children represent seekers of knowledge & the Oreo milkshake is the knowledge. read the 6 types of seekers above again and you will probably think about them as :
  1. not open / closed to receiving knowledge
  2. not inclined & not paying attention
  3. having limited capacity but utilize what capacity they have
  4. so full of themselves & think I know enough
  5. too mixed up and unable to hold the knowledge
  6. gifted with capacity, open to receiving & capable of holding

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