Monday, 11 January 2016

The 100 Kuru sons & the Kauravas

The first post on this blog was "How come Dhritrashtra has 100 sons!!! "

Once again am writing about them.

In short, the Kaurav's symbolise the numerous desires and negativities in us, born out of Moha / Attachment and agyaan (delusion and ignorance).

That is one simple explanation.

Then there are several interpretations by various saints, but all true and leading to explain the same point

1. So there were 7 maharathis in the Kaurav Army ( accomplished men of war & they represent the 7 negative qualities and 11 huge battalions (the 5 senses (see, hear, touch, smell & taste)  and the 5 action organs (hand, feet, tongue & ) & the mind

2. Another explanation is : 5 sense organs + 5 action organs = 10
The 10 negative qualities namely

Kama, krodha, lobha, Moha, mada, matsarya, mal, dambh, darpa, agyaan.
Lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride, envy jealousy , hypocrisy, arrogance , ignorance 

Each sense organ can act with the 10 negative qualities so 10*10 =100 modifications / combinations
So we have to fight with these 100 forms of negativities that arise in us and defeat them with Gods grace to move forward....

3. Another interpretation is

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