Thursday, 27 March 2014

Fight your battles ( partly a copy from FB)

Life is a war. Doctors are fighting against diseases. Lawyers fight against injustice. Teachers are fighting against ignorance. Mothers against everything that they think they need to. Fathers at work to provide for their family. Teenagers with the world to make them see their point!!!!
Depression happens when you lose the will to fight. Arjuna was depressed and he did not want to fight. His bow fell from his hands and his fingers trembled. Krishna urged him to wake up and fight! The decision to fight can take away your depression like it did for Arjuna.
Some say "Fight till you give up."
Others says "Not give up... give in!'  
Even your body is a battlefield. 
Every day we all have battles to fight, but trouble starts when we doubt if we are doing what is right! Arjuna had Krishna help him understand what is right, do we all need someone to help us understand what is right & what we need to fight for ?

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Excelling & Competing

Competing is when we compare ourselves to others. The intention is to do better than others. To win ....

Excelling is when we compare our achievement to our potential. The thought behind is doing my best. Putting all effort. To manifest divinity inside us.

Very often while excelling we also do better than others, but if "bhav" is only to excel we enjoy it without demeaning others.

But when we do better than others with the competing "bhav" , it leads to arrogance

Think about it.....

PS Also the only person to compete with or better is , what we were yesterday....trying to be better than what we were a step towards excellence

Friday, 21 March 2014

Hanuman Ji

Well Hanuman ji depicts many things

1. Devotion : his devotion is always quoted as an example. He is also in Arjun's chariot flag to symbolise devotion
2. He helps in all areas of life
- Sickness : he brought the herbs for Laxman
- Relationships : got Bali & Sugreev , Ram &Sita to re unite
3. He is able to zoom in & out as well as increase in size or shrink; show his valour and be humble.

Teaching us that we have different roles to play & show different abilities

Monday, 17 March 2014

Stairway to doom

Path to doom (& unhappiness) :

Sensory attraction leads to
Thought,  creates
Attachment & then we have a
Desire, which when not fullfillled leads to

Thursday, 13 March 2014

5 senses and animals

Here is another one

All animals have few senses and some are more developed than others. They too have weaknesses.

  1. The Elephant's weakness is touch and gets distracted with presence of another elephant especially a female elephant.
  2. The Moth's weakness is sight and is attracted to light , and we have all seen them crowd near a candle
  3. The Deer is very attracted to sound and often hunters use music to attract them & kill them
  4. The Bee's weakness is fragrance/smell. Attracts him to the flowers and sometimes is trapped there
  5. The Fish has taste as its weakness and gets attracted to bait as it cannot stop eating and eats whenever & what ever

The Human being with all 5 senses well developed and all 5 can be our weakness!!!

Further  :
an explanation from Chapter 2, Shloka 67 
Indriyannam Hi Charataam Yanmanonu Vidheeyate
Tadasya Harati Prajnaam Vayur Navam Ivammbhasi
which says
If the mind attaches itself to even one of the senses, which are constantly preoccupied with their objects, then even one sense alone can carry away the mind in the same way as breeze carries away a boat lying in the water

Monday, 10 March 2014

Yog in Gita

Yoga is generally understood as the ancient form of exercise or asanas/postures .

The true meaning of YOG is described and understood as a combination of
- adding to
- combining with
- connecting with
- merging in
- aligned with
- leading to
- associated with

and so on

Yoga ( sanskrit word Yog) is union with the self which Energizes to do more with less . 

In Gita its
1. Karam Yog : Ishwar Arpanam & Prasad Budhi - all our actions sumitted to God & all results accepted as prasad
2.  Gyan Yog
3. Bhakti Yog

Gita is inspiring for the entire life and everything we do to be connected with God/Divine

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Goals, Aspirations & Desire

From Oxford Dictionary 

  • Goal : The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result:he achieved his goal of becoming King of EnglandThe destination of a journey:the aircraft bumped towards our goal some 400 miles to the west literary A point marking the end of a race.
    Aspiration : (usually aspirations) A hope or ambition of achieving something:the needs and aspirations of the people

    DesireA strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen:

    Now lets try & compare it with a spiritual perspective :

    Goal is a state we want to achieve and we are working towards it, a journey to a defined destination, a plan to support it. ( Goal to complete reading the BG this year. For goals at work we have KPI's ( Key Performance Indicators) and for Spiritual goals we have different KPI's (Krishna's Powerful Instructions) )

    Aspiration is more like a want, not always supported with a plan ( I must read the BG and then not attending classes ) . I want to have/ I would like to....

    Desire is an aspiration where we have a strong attachment and when not fulfilled causes anger. When fulfilled , gives birth to another desire. (I desire to read the BG, but if I cant attend a session I get depressed and angry as my desire not fulfilled.)

    A related copy paste from FB :

    Expectations lead to sadness, yet goals are also expectations. I am confused. Please clarify.
    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
    Goals are needed.
    Set some goal and keep moving in that direction. An aimless life will lead to depression. But when you have a goal, ‘I have to do this. I have to learn this. I have to do this service', then that aim will move life in the right direction.
    Expectations reduced joy. You must understand that I don’t mean that you should never expect. Expecting is part of life. We simply need to know, surprises give us more joy.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

BG as an acronym.

What BG as an acronym could be :

Bhagwad Gita
Bank Guarantee
Beginners Guide
Blessed Guy
Beloved Girl
Before God
Boring Game
Baseless Gossip
Blood Group

Now try connecting them or looking at them with a spiritual perspective.

The Gita is a guide and it guarantee's realisation if we can implement the teachings.
Blessed and loved by God are the people who get to read the Gita.
There was no time before God
Gossip is baseless and should be avoided
Blood groups decide certain things about people & O+ is like "satva" with universal donor status.