Monday, 31 August 2015

New word plays

Look at God in the Picture
Look at God outside the picture

Move from control in your life
To contribute in your life

Comparing Gita and usual way of life

In the usual world (in the corporate world,  at work or at college) one is "Result Oriented" and Gita teaches us to leave result to divine, and focus only on action & duty

In world we compete with all and Spirituality is trying to explain we are all one

Question everything around you has been suggested and practiced around us and the spiritual path is all about accepting

Corporates copyright their works, Spirituality is about right to copy and share with others

In the modern world one hears "you can do it all" and in spirituality its all around your nature calling and your duty

The so called advanced world is about ownership and in the spiritual world one learns that we are not even the doers , just mediums of the lord

The material world is external - You & Others. The spiritual world is internal, you and your true self

The trying to win is actually a loosing strategy as everything is ever-changing. Discovering yourself , an internal journey without competing , to teh eternal truth...leads to the wow" factor...

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Arjun thru 18 chapters

Arjun's questions show the evolution on a spiritual path.

What Arjun asks , the quality of his questions get deeper as the Gita progresses.

Why should I act & not give up
How & why meditate
Show me your form

and eventually
Will do as you say!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The 3 recipients of Gita

When Krishna spoke, Arjun was listening and so was Sanjay & Dhritrashtra.

How each one received it or perceived it has a learning for us all

Sanjay represents Vivek Buddhi (wisdom) and in contrast Dhritarashtra represents blindness or unwisely used intelligence. In other words, Sanjay can see divinity through all gross appearances (Maya), whereas Dhritarashta, being of lower intellect, is stumped by Maya and only perceives gross appearances. 

These differing perceptions are shown by the following three elements / examples of Maya:

1. Causation 
All matter is simply a transformation of pre-existing elements which were created by God. 
Sanjay, of higher intellect, will be able to realise that a tree rose from a small seed, but Dhritrashtra, of gross intellect, will only be able to perceive the tree for a new entity and not as a product of the seed.

2. Time
The three tenses of time (past, present, future) are all caused by Maya (passing of days and nights). 
A car is circling the base of a hill. Dhritrashtra, standing at the bottom of that hill, (low-level intellect) will only be able to perceive the movement of the car in the three tenses: coming, gone behind the hill, going to come. Sanjay, standing at the top of hill (higher level intellect), will be able to understand the continuous movement of the car without tenses because he is not blocked by the hill (Maya). 

3. Space
All matter is essentially made up of atoms, which are largely made up of empty space, and energy points that occupy negligible space. Hence, most tangible things are essentially empty space and energy. Dhritrashtra can only see the gross appearances of these atoms that are arranged in different ways to form different tangible entities (E.G. Table, chair, pot). Sanjay can identify the minuscule energy points  through all the empty space due to his superior intellect.

Arjun looked past the large quantity of empty space (material things like soldiers and weaponry) and identified the energy points that seemed small but were of actual value (Krishna). Duryodhan was caught up in the Maya and perceived the empty space to be real and of value. Hence, he chose the empty space over the energy point (materials over God) and made the mistake of choosing quantity over quality. ( He chose the army and not Krishna !) 

Arjun - in direct connection with God
Sanjaya - the well controlled 
Dhritrashtra - The one blinded with Moha